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Trail of Thousand Colours

Walking the southern trail leading to Arcomagno is an exhilarating experience.
It begins with a steep staircase carved into the rock, unfolding before you. As you ascend, you can marvel at the beautiful bay of San Nicola Arcella, a vista over the sea in a thousand shades of blue. In the distance, the Crawford tower stands out, and on the promontory, the majestic Palazzo dei Principi Lanza looms.

Upon reaching the top, it’s essential to stop and admire the panorama that embraces the Gulf of Policastro, with the majestic Dino Island standing out in front. Continuing on, you’ll find yourself on a path enveloped by Mediterranean scrub, a vegetation unique for its microclimate.
Just walking this route is a unique and rejuvenating experience for both body and mind. Prepare your camera, as you’ll surely be tempted to take numerous photos and selfies to capture the beauty of the place.

Immerse yourself in the surrounding silence and listen to the sound of the sea mixing with the song of birds and the sea breeze caressing you. Let yourself be carried away by this natural harmony as you continue your journey.

Buy the Ticket for the Arcomagno Tour

Biglietti Escursione Arcomagno

Nota: Una volta acquistato il biglietto si riceverà una mail, all’indirizzo rilasciato in fase di acquisto, con il numero dell’ordine effettuato. Controllare per sicurezza anche la cartella dello SPAM. L’email con il numero d’ordine deve essere presentata il giorno  dell’escursione all’Arcomagno.

  • Sosta consentita 30 minuti.
  • Apertura sito dalle ore 8.00 alle ore 19.30. Primo ingresso ore 8.30, ultimo ingresso ore 18.30.
  • Il prezzo per i bambini fino a 12 anni è € 1,50 .
  • È possibile acquistare il biglietto anche in loco.
baia di San Nicola Arcella
sentiero dell'arcomagno San Nicola Arcella
Arco Magno
Comune Di San Nicola Arcella
Pro Loco SNA
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